The Adventure Service Challenge is an award scheme offered at CI Adventures in Halifax, with activities being offered across the Calderdale district and further afield across the UK. The ASC is for young people aged 8 to 14+ years. The activities are spread across the three sections of Adventure, Service and Challenge; offering leisure skills, discovery, exploration, skills for life, volunteering and helping others, in a fully comprehensive training programme.
The ASC is a programme of activity that can prepare young people for the Duke of Edinburgh‘s Award. The scheme promotes individual competition with participants competing against themselves, rather than others, to gain greater personal achievement. The scheme is generally directed at school and youth groups but can be a group put together by CI Adventures from a range of single individuals.
There are two stages of the ASC; the junior stage for those of 8 to 11 years, and the senior stage for those of 11 to 14+ years; with 8 activities at each stage. On completion, a certificate for each stage is presented to each young person.
Stage 1
Local People
The Living World
Stage 2
Safety First
Fist Aid
Model Making
Our Country
Stage 1
First Aid
Leisure Pursuits
Highway Code
First Aid
Activity Choice
CI Adventures currently delivers ASC over a full school term or an 8 to 12 week period dependent upon school and youth group preferences. The sessions are between 1 & 3 hours duration and are individually tailored to provide outdoor adventurous activities to meet the requirements of your specific group. To ensure we can provide for all groups CI Adventures have created a one week ASC programme to deliver in the school holidays.
If your child is interested in the activities designed for the Duke of Edinburgh Award but is not yet old enough to take on the challenge then this is the perfect starting point! Please contact CI Adventures for details of this exciting new opportunity now available in the Calderdale area.
Availability: The Boiler House
Mobile Provision
In the Wild
Benefits of the ASC:
- ASC supports individuals to gain a better understanding of the values and beliefs which shape the society in which they live.
- Promotion of self challenge with participants working to better their own achievements rather than challenging to be better than others.
- The foundations of ASC encourage participants to look at, have concern for, and help to address the needs of other people.
- The programme of activities is specifically designed to prepare participants to take on the challenge of the Duke of Edinburgh Award.
Find out more about the ASC through this external link: ASC Website