This Saturday morning, there were three of us who braved the elements for our weekly walk around Four Fields in Ovenden. I know I wasn’t alone in feeling reluctant to get out of bed on this cold, crisp morning, but that quickly changed when we saw what a beautiful morning it had become. We had wrapped up and were walking briskly so quickly warmed up. The frost had created stunning patterns on the grass and around leaves, the sky was all mix of colours and from the fields you can see views right over Halifax and the moors towards Ogden. There were also various rugby and football teams training that morning, which we enjoyed watching too. Once we had got going, we didn’t just do the 1km circuit once, but 3 times! By the end, everyone was happy they’d made the effort to get up and out and they were ready for the rest of the day.

This is a walk which goes around the sports fields on Cousin Lane Ovenden. It is part of the ‘go walking’ scheme run by the OSCA foundation, which stands for ‘Ovenden Sport and Community Arena’, and provides first class sports facilities. All the ‘go walking’ activities are free and available for anyone to join. There isn’t just the walk round the fields to get involved with either, there is a toddler/ pram push, walking golf/football, torch lit evening walk and a scavenger hunt as well.

The circuit route is one kilometre, but this can be shortened or repeated like we did, so you can do as little or as much as you want.  Even if it’s just joining one of the walks whilst your child is doing their football practice instead of you going home, it’s a way of keeping active and meeting people.  They are for anyone and everyone to join and our staff taking the walks are always happy to have a chat and a walk.

Call Simon on 07974 077143 for more information.

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